Using boats on the UK’s inland waterways does not require any certification. However, should you want to navigate the inland waterways in Europe and beyond, you will need to have demonstrated your understanding of the traffic regulations applicable on inland waters. Code EuropĂ©en des Voies de Navigation IntĂ©rieure (CEVNI) is the code governing navigation on the interconnected European inland waterways.
There is no separate CEVNI certificate or CEVNI endorsement. Passing the ICC CEVNI test simply allows the Inland category on your existing ICC to be validated accordingly. This means you will already need to hold an International Certificate of Competence (ICC), which is obtained by completing a relevant RYA practical certificate – such as your Day Skipper or Powerboat Level 2.
You can arrange to take the RYA ICC CEVNI test through Urban Truant. It is a short multiple choice paper which can be sat at our training centre in Swanwick Marina, or we can provide you with access to take the test online.